We consider all advertisers on our platform as partners. Promote your upcoming concert, festival, album release, business or other prohect with us! You can choose an option below or we can package several together to create a unique partnership.
Please contact [email protected] for all pricing inquiries or set up a meeting to discuss a unique partnership. All partners receive featured social media coverage.
Our website ads get you better CPM than other options & connect directly to your target audience - music lovers of the Rocky Mountains! Ads also appear in our e-Newsletter.
Are you a music venue or performer with lots of events in a month & little time or resources to list your events? Let us handle them for you for as little as $25 per month!
Our event & profile listings are always free - if you're just having trouble figuring it out, we can help - reach out to [email protected]
We have rates for businesses who may want to change the ad that appears on our site over a certain timerange & receive consistent social media coverage.
Want to run a marketing campaign or viral contest with us? We'd love to hear your ideas & have a few fun things planned we're looking for partners on... let's talk!
You're able to post any music or arts related article to our site. But if you're looking for editorial coverage, pblicists, promoters and performing acts with news and announcements to share can email us.
Want us to write a professional media release for you? We provide that service as well!
We're building a team of photographers across the Rocky Mountains. Would you like to have a photographer capture your event or set up an on-site shoot for promo photos? Please email us to check availability at [email protected]
We're building a team that can help musicians, bands, venues & others with services such as basic website construction, social media strategies or content creation. Please send your inquiries to see if we can help!
Our musician profile pages act as an online EPK that is easily discoverable. But do you want an interactive, branded slideshow of assets to send venues, promoters & others to promote your concerts? We can help!
We'd love to help out! Email your digital poster and/or social media artwork to [email protected] & we'll put some promotional oomph behind it!